About Me
Hi! I'm Shilpa and I am an user experience designer based out of Orange County in Southern California. I am currently pursuing my masters degree at University of California, Irvine in Human-Computer Interaction Design. I am also a part of an UX Collective that is researching the assisted living space in order to design a smart home solution for Accenture Labs.
About Me
I am the UX Lead at SAP Conversational AI. I am also a SAP Next Talent Alumni (2018-19) and mentor.
I got my Master's Degree at University of California, Irvine in Human-Computer Interaction Design and hold a Bachelors in Media Arts and Animation. I have written for the UX Collective, SAP Conversational AI Blog and run my design blog Design Notes on Medium.
Before my pivot into user experience and product design, in what seems to me to be another life now, I was immersed in the acting, improv & films, building the foundations of my first principles as a human, artist & designer:
Practice radical empathy to bridge gaps between myself and others
Everyone is on their own hero’s journey
Stories move and shape the world.
I was also an ambassador for TERI (The Energy & Resource Institute) as a Miss Universe India 4th Runner up.
I have been exploring sensory experiences for as long as I can remember. I continuously strive to fine-tune my ability to craft breakthrough experiences without letting the medium get in the way.
Scroll down to explore my toolkit and explorations through the following links.
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Thank you for visiting my site!
My Toolkit
Design Blog
Follow me on my new design blog called Design Notes on Medium!
Visual Design Portfolio
My visual design website highlights selected graphic design and web design work.
Want to work together? Here's my resume.
Email Me
Email me for more questions or to say hello!
Personal Blog
Explore my eight year old personal Wordpress blog!